Thursday, June 7, 2007

suffer the little children

children, in many respects, serve as a continuation of the human species, a society, or a way of life. we hear a lot of fuss about them, particularly on evening talk shows. it seems, it our so-called "secular" society, that half of us are protecting our children, and the rest are attempting to physically and mentally rape them of all inherent innocence.

because children are looked upon as valuable objects for the above reasons, many view them as personal property that they are assigned to protect and, likewise, serve.

one of the popular ways in which we protect and serve our children is to indoctrinate them with our belief systems at an incredibly early age. in fact, many evangelical units operating in our fair country considers it an empirical part of spreading their superstitions.

and what are the attributes of children? trusting, naive, impressionable--not quite enough life context to differentiate fact from fiction, particularly when they are inundated (or primed) early on with mythical beings such as easter bunnies and santa clauses. when i was but five years old i knew who satan was, and i knew of a place called hell where i might be sent if i stole another cookie from the cookie jar.

is this fair of us to herd our children to these churches, sunday schools, and confirmations, to be so indoctrinated? do children have the necessary means to truly understand, discuss, and critically consider the dogmas of our choosing?

i suppose when you are dealing out absolute truth, the phrase "critical thought" doesn't have much stock. the impressions, no doubt, are quite deep. and those lucky enough to have their conscience raised above such dogmatic beliefs can never quite shed the slightest stab of guilt for doing so.

but it was god who claimed that everyone should approach their faith as children--who are meek, naive, and trusting. what other, but religion, requires its followers to be so dim?

Mark 10:14 Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.


Brad said...

why are Mac and Failor not arguing with you?

steven said...

mac and i have nice dialogue on these subjects--perhaps it will spoil the fun.

Chris said...

Brad, I apologize, but between finishing my thesis, wanting to socialize a little bit, trying to get my own blog going again, and being on vacation and without web access for the past week, I just haven't had the time to respond to these posts.

I am enjoying them though, so I hope you keep it up, Steve.